Do you usually skip breakfast? Is it because you want to lose weight, oversleep, or don’t feel like cooking? Are there mornings you feel tired and irritable… and coffee alone doesn’t perk you up? Well eating breakfast may be the missing puzzle to a productive day and help boost your metabolism.  It gets better…eating breakfast could help with improved attention span, concentration, memory, blood sugar control and weight maintenance. So, lets stop making excuses and take simple steps to improve our health first thing in the morning!

If you’re a morning person and wake up on time, Prepare…

  • Scrambled eggs with turkey sausage and mixed vegetables, whole grain toast, and a small fruit smoothie.
  • Whole grain waffles, pancake, crepe or French toast topped with fresh fruit and a side of peanut butter. Add an 8oz glass of milk

If you hit the snooze button once… still prepare…

  • Whole-grain english muffin egg sandwich with seasonings of choice (ex. Rosemary, dill, pepper, or thyme) and a slice of low-fat cheese. Grab a piece of fruit to go.
  • Breakfast taco: scramble one or two eggs, serve with salsa and low-fat cheese in a tortilla. Maybe a slice of avocado on top!
  • Cereal with some fresh fruit and 2% milk. Grab a handful of nuts too!
  • Whole grain toast with avocado and a hard-boiled egg.

If you hit the snooze button three (or more) times… grab and go

  • Instant oatmeal: look for ones without added sugar. Grab a trail mix with dried cranberries and nuts.
  • Slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter and banana slices
  • Bagel with cream cheese and side of fruit.

It’s important to plan ahead, so next time grocery shopping buy the foods to prepare breakfast for those days you hit the snooze button too many times. Enjoy feeling less irritable and more energized on days you eat breakfast. Remember, it’s good to have a carbohydrate, protein, fruit, vegetable and dairy source for a balance meal.  Enjoy!

Shannon Beasley MPH, RD

Toiyabe Indian Health Project/Preventative Medicine Dept.