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St Timothy’s Attic Thrift Store

St Timothy’s Attic Thrift Store

St Timothy's Anglican Church

What can be found at The Attic?
A warm, friendly and helpful all volunteer staff and a unique shopping experience.
We pride ourselves in being a step-up from the usual thrift store.  Items for sale change every day and you will always find something new and different. We are grateful for the many comments from customers about how our shop is so clean and organized and that they always find the nicest clothes or a special treasure. Some of the items that you will find, besides men, women and children’s clothes are collectibles, knick-knacks, figurines, jewelry, glassware, dishes, small appliances, cookware, silverware, dishes, books, purses, lingerie, craft items, greeting cards, CD’s, DVD’s, that special something, and much more. We always feature specialized items for all holiday seasons with a huge inventory for Christmas. All donations, except large furniture or appliances, are gratefully accepted. Because we are a non-profit, we are happy to give you a tax deductible receipt. Profits made by the “Attic” benefit St. Timothy’s Anglican Church, their missionary fund and outreach assistance to the community.”

Great Steps Ahead

Great Steps Ahead

Great Steps Ahead

Early Intervention services to children and their families has been recognized by the California Early Intervention Services Act as an investment in the future that benefits the society as a whole. These services should be provided in the context of the family, in partnership with the parents by assisting with decisions, priorities and directions of intervention for developmental differences. We help children when we strengthen families. Each family situation and infant needs are unique. The Goals of Great Steps Ahead Are To: 1. Support Families 2. Enhance Children’s Development 3. Adapt Materials and Methods 4. Collaborate With Other Professionals 5. Transition Children Smoothly We Will Meet These Goals By: 1. Listening to Parents 2. Providing Continuing Education Opportunities for Staff 3. Providing Training, Materials and Resources to Families 4. Raising Community Awareness 5. Remaining Flexible, Sensitive and Creative



Owens Valley Career Development Center

OVCDC is the proud recipient of an ACEs Aware communications grant. ACEs stand for Adverse Childhood Experiences and are a measure of exposure to childhood trauma. Science indicates that the more exposure we have to adversity in our early years, the more likely we are to develop toxic stress physiology. ACEs and toxic stress are linked to a number of concerning health and wellness challenges such as cardiovascular disease, incarceration, diabetes, depression, substance abuse, learning challenges, asthma and more. The good news is that that toxic stress is amenable to treatment. As the Wellness Navigator my role is to serve the people of Inyo County by connecting them with resources, services, and information that promotes healing. For this reason I have created a resource directory and resource flow chart. Both resources can be found on the OVCDC website. We also hope to build awareness on these topics through community education, social media, workshops, and presentations. Please check out our Instagram account Inyo_county_resilient as well as our short film entitled Rural Resilience (which can also be found on the OVCDC YouTube channel) if you want to learn more about these subjects. Additionally we provide workshops and presentations on ACEs and toxic stress as well as practical steps to encourage healing. As the Wellness Navigator I hope to support people in developing enhanced wellness practices and accessing services that help to mitigate toxic stress and ACEs. Finally we are advocating for local agencies to conduct more ACE screenings. By taking a five minute questionnaire one can determine their ACE score. Your ACE score is a number between one and ten that represents exposure to adversity before you turn 18. For reference around two thirds of Americans have at least one ACE, and around 16% have four or more ACEs. You can find your ACE score and more helpful information on these topics here: Explore your number – Your Number Story  ACE screening is particularly important for younger members of the community in order to promote early detection, healing, and referrals to appropriate care. If you wish to learn more on these subjects, attend an ACEs workshop, create a wellness plan, or just have a conversation please do not hesitate to reach out. I can be contacted at (760) 873-5107 ext 251 or Attached is the Resource Flowchart. The Resource Flowchart is a simple visual that lists the essential services in Inyo County and the phone numbers to reach them. Please consider printing and hanging on your fridge or sharing with friends and relatives. Or visit here for the Inyo County Resource Directory.
760-873-5107 ext 251

IMAH Sierra Thrift Mall

IMAH Sierra Thrift Mall


IMAH is a non profit 501 (c)(3) agency and was founded in 1973 by a group of concerned parents and community members. IMAH is a day program for adults with intellectual disabilities. Our program includes a host of components including independent living skills classes, work adjustment training, pre-vocational training and self advocacy training. We have our Thrift Store, the Sierra Thrift Mall. We use the store as our training ground each client works in the store and earns a pay check. We offer our Work Opportunities Program which allows us to have our Clients work out in the public with a job coach. The job coach stays with them for as long as needed in order to insure their success. We also have Supported Living Services (SLS). This program allows a client to live on their own in an apartment or home of their choice. We provide support staff that helps in their everyday needs like shopping, cleaning, dr appointments and many other things. Our staff is there to support them not do everything for them and we provide as much support as needed. Some Clients may need 24 hour support while others only need an hour or 2 a day or a week. We also provide the transportation to and from our day program we drive 600 miles a day. We are the only day program in Inyo and Mono county so we provide service from Lone Pine to June Lake. IMAH is not a county or state run program. We are funded through various types of funding 40% of our income comes from IMAH’s Sierra Thrift Mall, 15% comes from foundations and community support and 45% comes from Regional Center funding. Regional centers are private, non-profit corporations operating under contract with the State of California through the Department of Developmental Services. IMAH contracts with a Regional Center (Kern Regional Center) to provide services to adults with intellectual disabilities. The thrift mall is open Mondays-Fridays, 11am-5pm, and Saturdays, 9am-4pm.

Special Education – Inyo County Office of Education

Special Education – Inyo County Office of Education

Inyo County Office of Education

The Special Education Department provides a variety of services on behalf of the districts to students with disabilities. It is an advocate to support school districts, families and agencies to assure full educational opportunities for identified students within a range of program options, including:
  • Infant & Preschool Special Day Programs
  • School Psychologist Services
  • CCARE (Catching Children At Risk Early)
  • Eastern Sierra Infant Connection
  • North Star Counseling Center
  • Community Advisory Committee
  • Interagency Collaboration Committee
In addition, the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) is administered by ICOE on behalf of the various districts. The SELPA provides technical support for special education issues throughout Inyo County.  Inyo SELPA Local Plan  Section A: Contact and Certifications Section D: Annual Budget Plan Section E: Annual Service Plan  Local Plan Attachments  760-873-3262 Ext. 2185
760-873-3262 x2185




Supplying Hope & Initial Needs for Empowerment

SHINE is dedicated to providing support, resources, and solutions for creating just and engaged communities.

Our vision is for everyone to have equal access to safe and affordable housing, adequate nutritious food, quality health care, and a livable wage job to support self and family.

At SHINE, we believe there is no higher calling than to help people in need.  We are obsessive and passionate about the work we do.

It is SHINE’s philosophy that when a person’s basic needs are met, potential barriers are lowered and the opportunity for stability and building self-sufficiency begins. When people don’t have to worry about putting a roof over their heads or putting food on the table, they are better able to focus on the future.

Shine’s goal is to assist with basic needs so that individuals have opportunities to achieve their highest potential.


Bishop Indian Education Center

Bishop Indian Education Center

Bishop Paiute Tribe

The goal of the Education Center is to provide quality educational supportive services for the youth of the tribe and surrounding community by maintaining a positive, supportive, and respsonsible staff dedicated to the development of well-rounded individuals. The Education Center will monitor student progress, offer tutorial services, workshops, scholarship opportunities, college and career counseling, mediation, parent conflict support, as well as a various activities for both parents and students.


  • After school tutoring for students 1st – 8th grade emphasizing reading and math
  • Evening tutoring is available to high school students and adults needing assistance with all academic subjects

Parent Supportive Services

  • Educational, social, and cultural activities and workshops are available to parents
  • Educational counseling
  • Conflict support
  • Mediation
  • Academic Support
  • Computer Support

Scholarships / College & Career Counseling

  • Tribal Scholarships – BIA and Bishop Tribal Scholarships are available to all enrolled Tribal members attending post-secondary institutions
  • Assistance with Federal Aid Forms, college and career counseling are also available – CONTACT STUDENT SERVICES COORDINATOR (760) 873-8740

Resource Family Approval

Resource Family Approval

Aging and Social Services, Inyo County

The Resource Family Approval (RFA) program was developed to help meet California’s goal of ensuring that all children live in committed, nurturing, and permanent families. Specifically, RFA establishes a new family-friendly and child-centered approval process for all related and non-related families seeking to care for children and youth in foster care. Visit here to apply to become a Resource Family. Contact Christina Bonanno at 760-872-1727  for support in setting up an account, or email and indicate that you want to apply through Inyo County. You will receive a link via email to set up an account and complete an application. The Resource Family Approval program is operated by Inyo County Health and Human Services (HHS).

California Home Visiting Project

California Home Visiting Project

Inyo County Health and Human Services

The You and Me Under 3 Home Visiting Program is a personalized home visiting program offered through Inyo County Health and Human Services Public Health and Prevention Division, with funding and support from First 5 Inyo County and Maternal Child Adolescent Health programs. The program is available to pregnant women and families with children prenatally to 3 years old residing in Inyo County. Home visitors are certified users of Parents as Teachers Curriculum who specialize in child development and breastfeeding support. Through consistent home visits, home visitors will provide information on caring for children; help with questions and concerns; offer maternal mental health screenings; provide education and support about child development; and connect to a network of local support for families, activities and resources in the community The Child Home Visiting Project is offered through First 5, Inyo County Health and Human Services (HHS)

Child Care Connection Toy Lending Library

Child Care Connection Toy Lending Library

Inyo County Office of Education

The Toy Lending Library offers a wide variety of indoor and outdoor toys, games, puzzles, and educational activities. There are toys and activities available for a wide variety of ages. Families can check-out seven items at a time, for two weeks. If a family wishes to hold on to items for longer, they can call the office to extend the check-out for an additional month. There is a six week max for toy check-out. The Toy Lending Library is a membership based program. If you are interested, visit the Child Care Connection office to fill out the brief membership form, and pay a one time $5 fee. You will also need to provide a form of ID. The Toy Lending Library is open Monday – Thursday 8am – 4:30pm, and Friday 8am – 4pm.